In today’s world, it is not uncommon to come across individuals claiming to be prophets or prophetesses, making high claims about their abilities to communicate with the divine realm and offering spiritual guidance. However, it is essential to remember that not everyone who claims to be a prophet or prophetess is genuine. The Bible offers important tips on how to identify and discern the true from the false. Let’s explore some of these crucial guidelines.
1. Test the message against the Word of God: The Bible serves as a solid foundation and divine revelation for believers. It is important to thoroughly examine any prophecies or teachings against the principles and teachings found in the Word of God. The Bible warns us in Deuteronomy 18:20-22 that if a prophet speaks a word that does not come to pass or goes against what God has commanded, then they are a false prophet.
2. Fruit inspection: Jesus, in Matthew 7:15-20, emphasized the importance of evaluating the fruit produced by those who claim to be prophets or prophetesses. Genuine prophets will exhibit godly characteristics such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They will also produce good, life-giving teachings and prophecies that align with God’s intentions for humanity.
3. Discernment through the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit dwells within believers, guiding and teaching them. We should seek the Holy Spirit’s discernment when encountering individuals claiming to have prophetic abilities. In 1 John 4:1, the Bible instructs us to test the spirits and not believe every spirit but examine whether they are from God.
4. False motives and teachings: False prophets can often be identified by their focus on material possessions, power, or personal gain. They may use their supposed prophetic abilities to manipulate and control others rather than bringing glory to God. It is important to be cautious of individuals who make grandiose claims and promote messages that contradict the teachings of Jesus.
5. Seek guidance from trusted spiritual leaders: Proverbs 11:14 states, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety.” Consulting with trusted and wise spiritual leaders, pastors, or mature believers can provide valuable insights and guidance in discerning the authenticity of prophets or prophetesses.
6. Time and consistency: Genuine prophets are often consistent in their message and prophecies over time. False prophets may change their message or teachings based on personal interests, cultural trends, or the desires of their audience. Pay attention to the consistency and reliability of the individual claiming to be a prophet.
7. Prayer and personal relationship with God: Building a strong personal relationship with God through prayer and studying His Word is essential. By deepening our connection with God, we become more tuned in to His voice and discern falsehood from truth more effectively.
While false prophets and prophetesses exist, it is crucial not to let them discourage our faith or belief in genuine prophecy. The Bible encourages us not to despise prophecies but to test them carefully (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22). By following these important tips and staying rooted in the truth of God’s Word, we can protect ourselves from deception and continue on our spiritual journey with confidence.