I’ve watched with amazement and bewilderment how the social media nairaland inclusive, have been filled with the stories of leaving Nigeria to other countries with the impression that, once they get there their problems are over. I think this big fat lie will hunt, and may destroy our future generations if nothing is done about it.
1. They believe once you leave the shores of this country, you have nothing to worry about again bcs automatic success is now guaranteed. If this is true, what happens to many Nigerians that are now stranded after so many years abroad ? Is the system over there a contributory factor as well 
2. Government is bad !
Yes Nigerian government is very bad, if not the worst in the whole world. But then, who is the government, isn’t it you and I ? Are we forgetting that a government is a product of the society and the reflection of its people ?
If the government is bad, then we’re bad as a people !
This very generation of Nigerian youths is worse than the current leaders of the pass/outgoing generation they’re blaming.
At least, our current leaders did not practice Yahoo Yahoo, Yahoo plus, they did not steal women pants for money ritual, they didn’t engage in kidnapping for quick money etc in their time. But this generation does and even far worst things. I’m not in anyway exhonorating them bcs they have really messed up this country. But this generation is now worst than them.
Yes our pass and current leaders steal our collective wealth ? They did/do so bcs we allow them to, based on ethic, tribal and religious sentiments. In fact continuous stealing is only possible in the society of thieves and robbers. If all we could produce as leaders are thieves and looters, then that’s who we all are as a people.
These same people that are preaching “JAPA” now, will never obey a simple traffic rule while in Nigeria, but they’re there now throw every kind of stone against their own country.
Ask them what’s their own contribution back home towards nation building.
Did they ever obey simple traffic rule?
What about paying their taxes, what was their contribution to social development and services etc ?
These things and more they’re willingly do over there bcs they know that the
[b]the sicitzens of those countries make law and systems to work not even the governments, and they cannot hid under a finger. Remove the law and oder over there, and see them showing their true colours.
Lastly, I think there are some external forces behind this sudden propaganda of japa. I know Nigeria is at it worst state since it started as a nation, but if we all run away, who will rescue and build it, where would we run back to when the jungle is matured outside ?
Nations are built by their citizens.
And for those of you outside Nigeria whose job now is to mock and denigrate the country, remember your people are still leaving here.
Some are even going as far as mocking God, the two major religions, saying all manner of things against the church, mosque etc. For your information, Nigerians have always been religious, it’s in our DNA. There’s a time Nigeria was working, our currency was better than the British pounds. My mother’s senior brothers who schooled in the UK came back to Nigeria to work, and that didn’t make people less religious.
Maybe you forgot, I will remind some of you that, some of your parents wouldn’t have been educated but for the help the church and missionary Schools .
Build, don’t destroy the Nation
•By a Nairalander