A man, identified as Abilomu Adedoyin, has been arrested after allegedly fleeing a filling station in Ado-Ekiti without paying for fuel worth ₦58,548.40. The incident, which occurred on January 3, 2025, left the elderly attendant who sold the fuel distressed and in debt.
CCTV footage from the station, located on Ilawe Road near Beloni in Ado-Ekiti, captured the suspect speeding off in a vehicle registered under the name of its previous owner. The car, reportedly purchased in 2023, still bears the former owner’s registration details.
The footage, released by the filling station, shows the man driving off after allegedly filling his tank with 59.20 liters of fuel. Following the incident, local authorities launched an investigation, leading to his apprehension and subsequent detention.
The station attendant, burdened with the debt, has expressed relief at the suspect’s arrest, hoping justice will be served.