In 2019, a young girl named Success Adegor went viral for her passionate plea after being sent home from school for unpaid fees. Now, several years later, Success has shared a new video celebrating a birthday with the same spirited energy that captivated audiences in her earlier viral moment.
The original video showed a young Success expressing her frustration with being sent home, saying emphatically “Dem go flog, flog, flog, dem go tire” – which roughly translates to “They will flog, flog, flog until they get tired.” Her impassioned words struck a chord with many who saw the clip, highlighting the challenges that some students face in accessing education.
In the newly shared video, a more grown-up Success is seen wishing a happy birthday to a celebrant, conveying the same sense of joy and enthusiasm that made her original video so memorable. Fans of the original viral moment will be delighted to see Success thriving and celebrating another year.
While the specific details of Success’s story and current circumstances are not fully known, her viral video from years ago clearly struck a chord that continues to resonate today. This new glimpse into her life shows a young woman who has not lost the spirited personality that first captivated audiences, offering a heartwarming update on the “dem go flog, flog, flog” girl all grown up.